Saturday, July 4, 2009

Aras Station Spring 2009 Report

In spring 2009 KuzeyDoga Society started bird ringing at Aras Station on March 15, 2009 and finished on June 1, 2009. Nets were checked and birds were collected every once an hour and ringed every day between 05:00 am and 08:00 pm in the daytime. 430 meters mistnets were used to catch the birds. Leader ringer Sedat Inak conducted the studies whole season with the help of other ringing specialists from Kenya, Finland, Netherlands and United Kingdom. Aras Bird Research and Education center had 6 foreign, 16 Turkish volunteer in this season. In total 2377 birds out of 99 species were ringed at the station. The list of these species is as follows:

1 Ixobrychus minutus - Little Bittern
2 Nycticorax nycticorax - Night Heron
3 Ardeola ralloides - Squacco Heron
4 Ardea purpurea - Purple Heron
5 Tadorna ferruginea - Ruddy Shelduck
6 Circus aeruginosus - Marsh Harrier
7 Circus macrourus - Pallid Harrier
8 Circus pygargus - Montagu's Harrier
9 Accipiter nisus - Sparrowhawk
10 Accipiter brevipes - Levant Sparrowhawk
11 Buteo buteo - Buzzard
12 Rallus aquaticus - Water Rail
13 Porzana porzana - Spotted Crake
14 Gallinula chloropus - Moorhen
15 Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
16 Lymnocryptes minimus - Jack Snipe
17 Gallinago media - Great Snipe
18 Columba livia - Rock Dove
19 Columba palumbrus - Woodpigeon
20 Otus scops - Scops Owl
21 Athena noctua - Little Owl
22 Asio otus - Long-eared Owl
23 Caprimulgus europaeus - Nightjar
24 Alcedo atthis - Kingfisher
25 Merops apiaster - Bee-eater
26 Coracias garrulus - Roller
27 Jynx torquilla - Wryneck
28 Alauda arvensis - Skylark
29 Riparia riparia - Sand Martin
30 Hirundo rustica - Swallow
31 Delichon urbica - House Martin
32 Anthus trivialis - Tree Pipit
33 Anthus pratensis - Meadow Pipit
34 Anthus spinoletta - Water Pipit
35 Motacilla flava - Yellow Wagtail
36 Motacilla cinerea - Grey Wagtail
37 Troglodytes troglodytes - Wren
38 Prunella modularis - Dunnock
39 Erithacus rubecula - Robin
40 Luscinia luscinia - Thrush Nightingale
41 Luscinia megarhynchos - Nightingale
42 Luscinia svecica - Bluethroat
43 Phoenicurus phoenicurus - Redstart
44 Saxicola rubetra - Whinchat
45 Saxicola maura - Sibirian Stonechat
46 Saxicola rubicola - European Stonechat
47 Oenanthe isabellina Isabelline - Wheatear
48 Oenanthe hispanica - Black-eared Wheatear
49 Turdus merula - Blackbird
50 Turdus philomelos - Song Thrush
51 Cettia cetti - Cetti's Warbler
52 Locustella naevia - Grasshopper Warbler
53 Locustella fluviatilis - River Warbler
54 Locustella lusciniodies - Savi's Warbler
55 Acrocephalus melanopogon - Moustached Warbler
56 Acrocephalus schoenobaenus - Sedge Warbler
57 Acrocephalus agricola - Paddyfield Warbler
58 Acrocephalus palustris - Marsh Warbler
59 Acrocephalus scirpaceus - Reed Warbler
60 Acrocephalus arundinaceus - Great Reed Warbler
61 Hippolais pallida - Olivaceous Warbler
62 Sylvia mystacea - Menetries Warbler
63 Sylvia nisoria - Barred Warbler
64 Sylvia curruca - Lesser Whitethroat
65 Sylvia communis - Whitethroat
66 Sylvia borin - Garden Warbler
67 Sylvia atricapilla - Blackcap
68 Phylloscopus nitidus - Green Warbler
69 Phylloscopus sibilatrix - Wood Warbler
70 Phylloscopus collybita - Chiffchaff
71 Phylloscopus trochilus - Willow Warbler
72 Muscicapa striata - Spotted Flycatcher
73 Ficedula parva - Red-breasted Flycatcher
74 Ficedula semitorquata - Semi-collared Flycatcher
75 Ficedula hypoleuca - Pied Flycatcher
76 Parus caeruleus - Blue Tit
77 Parus major - Great Tit
78 Remiz pendulinus - Penduline Tit
79 Oriolus oriolus - Golden Oriole
80 Lanius collurio - Red-backed Shrike
81 Lanius minor - Lesser Grey Shrike
82 Pica pica - Magpie
83 Corvus monedula - Jackdaw
84 Corvus frugilegus - Rook
85 Sturnus vulgaris - Starling
86 Sturnus roseus - Rose-coloured Starling
87 Passer domesticus - House Sparrow
88 Passer hispaniolensis - Spanish Sparrow
89 Passer montanus - Tree Sparrow
90 Fringilla coelebs - Chaffinch
91 Fringilla montifringilla - Brambling
92 Carduelis carduelis - Goldfinch
93 Carpodacus erythrinus - Common Rosefinch
94 Emberiza citrinella - Yellowhammer
95 Emberiza hortulana - Ortolan
96 Emberiza schoeniclus - Reed Bunting
97 Emberiza melanocephala - Black-headed Bunting
98 Miliaria calandra - Corn Bunting
99 Ficedula albicollis - Collared Flycatcher

1 comment:

  1. Hello..

    Great Post and informative too.. I found something very interesting here and love to learn more about the birds..

    study spanish abroad
